Episode #25

Beautiful Bicycles


August 28, 2024

Episode Length:


Episode Guests:

Derek Frankowski – filmmaker

Mike Hopkins – athlete, filmmaker

Graham Tracey – voice actor, musician

Mike Riedeger – CEO of the Kootenay Adaptive Sports Association

Tanner Fandrey – adaptive mountain bike athlete

Carter Nieuwesteeg – Cranbrook Gravel Grind founder and race director

Curtis Pollock – executive director of the Valemount Area Recreation Development Association (VARDA)

Episode Overview

It is one of our most ingenious inventions. Nothing gets the blood moving, the smiles grooving, and the kilometres rolling like the almighty bicycle. Over the past two decades, the bike has inspired Basin residents to create thousands of kilometres of cycling paths and trails, drawing international attention to the region. Additionally, bike culture in the Kootenays has had a large impact on action-sports media, technological innovation, and rural economic health. Join us as we explore these stories in our Beautiful Bicycles episode.

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