Episode #22

Finding Freshwater


August 7, 2024

Episode Length:


Episode Guests:

Kat Hartwig: executive director, Living Lakes Canada

Paige Thurston: program manager, Living Lakes Canada

Wendy King: president, Slocan Lake Stewardship Society

Carol Luttmer: environmental research consultant

Marcy Mahr: Kootenay Connect Manager with Kootenay Conservation Program

Ben Rutledge: gold-medal rower

Episode Overview

Everywhere you look in the Kootenays, there’s water. Lakes, streams, rivers, springs, wetlands, snowfields, and glaciers—this region has it all. But in an increasingly water-challenged world, it’s surprising how little we know about how much water we have and how our supply is affected by a warming world. In this episode, meet the people—and animals—working to change that.

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